Get in touch
We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…
All you need to do is to have a look at all collections, chose the one you like and without any delay, just visit our store RugsMart on Harry Hines Blvd Dallas Texas and grab quality rug.
All the colors and prints you could ever ask for are displayed in all collections.We have got rugs to suit all styles and moods.
You can locate our store on google maps and come to Harry Hines blvd from Monday to Sunday. Call us for any of your queries. We will be available to guide and help you through our collections of area rugs. You can send an email full of our questions and concerns and we will reply you as soon as we can
Our goal is to make our customers happy, satisfied and give them the freedom to buy the stuff they like. Our utmost duty is towards our customers, and for that reason our customer service will never disappoint you.
We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…