A room does not look complete unless you have placed a rug in it. Rugs bring life to your dull surroundings. They add colors and fashion into the area. They define the shape of your room and divide in into sections. What i love about rugs is, they bring comfort and coziness with them. You want to turn a house into a home, place a rug and feel the difference. For me, rugs are just essential if you are looking to add beauty, comfort and style in your space. It comes with multiple traits. Since old times, rugs have been an important fashion and comfort accessory. With time, the designs and material has evolved. There are tons of rugs in markets now. You just need to find a one that suits your sense and brings easiness to you.
In this blog, we will talk about rugs that you can place in your office, whether it is a home office or a usual office. Office rooms can get stressful and full of work. You need to find ways to lessen the stress vibe that can be going on for hours. A touch of beauty and coziness should be added to tone down all the negative and tensed environment. Putting plants, lamps, wall décor, curtains, some cushions will bring that home feels and sure to increase the interest. And ofcourse, adding a rug is a step we cannot miss. Al rug lovers will agree. Just placing a rug in your office is sure to boost your mood, comfort level, style and fill that missing element.
Let’s have a look at some of the rug inspirations, you can take to add to your office. You can choose whatever that touches you. You can add more than one to create art too!
Modern traditional
This rug over here, is purely designed with antique oriental rugs keeping in mind. But the colors, however, diverts it route towards a modern life. This rug can go perfectly with your work environment.
Round fluffy
Round rugs are the new favourite of everybody. They seem casual, fun and stylish. This rug is all fluffy to help you with burdening office hours and make you feel at home.
Geometrical ally
Geometrical patterns go along with tech theme going on in the office. It suits your office style and brings a taste pairing.
Plain Game
Plain hues and prints do look simple but they are a game changer. They make your space looks expanded and more sophisticated.
South West
Who says we cannot spice up style in our offices. Putting a southwestern animal rug with sharp prints is never a bad idea.
Stripes on the way
Stripes are loved by everyone. When in doubt, go for a stripe design. its safer and never disappoints.
Pipes and lines
This rug has a peculiar design to it which somehow falls perfectly on the expectations. The print is not too much for a office and not too minimal.
Persian Pretty
The persian style never ceases to impress nor it goes out of style. It has a particular art in itself which looks beautiful. The detailing of flowers and antique look makes it a winner.
Borders gradient
Rugs that come in defined borders with a gradient of color look presentable and eye catching.
Just random
Love the rugs which come in funky and trendy prints. They make a statement and catches everyone’s interest. It can add a casual touch to your office space.
Hope all these ideas bring some vague picture for the rug of your dreams. Enjoy shopping for your rug.